What does being a competitor mean to you?

Being competitor to me means improving and just striving to be a better player overall.  I love competing and I love going head to head with people that are competitive as well. I love growing my skill together with others as well.

What does the FGC mean to you?

The FGC is like my second family almost. Back in 2018 I was in a really dark place. I suffer from depression and anxiety and i nearly lost my life during that time. The FGC and my friends in the San Antonio FGC community especially helped me get through that time. Going out to locals, making new friends and connections and having people support me helped me and I could never thank the FGC enough for helping me out during those times. Even now they continue to. I love all my friends in the FGC and I'll never forget what the community has done for me..

What did you think of the FCF Tekken Event?

The FCE event was ran really well. There were no flaws I saw with it really. The organizers and TO's all did a really good job at making sure everything ran smoothly and I'd recommend anyone to sign up for their events! Payout was immediate and commentators were awesome!